
raster_tools.distance.cda_cost_distance(costs, sources, elevation=None)[source]#

Calculate just the cost distance for a cost surface

See cost_distance_analysis for a full description.

  • costs (Raster or raster path) – A raster representing a cost surface. Values less than 0 are treated as null values.

  • sources (Raster or raster path, or sequence) – A raster or sequence of indices. If a raster, pixels that are not null are used as source locations. The raster must have a null value set. The values at valid locations are used as the corresponding values in the allocation output. If a sequence, must have shape (M, 2) where M is the number of source pixels. Each item represents an index into costs to be used as a source. The element number, starting at 0, is used as the corresponding allocation value.

  • elevation (Raster or raster path, optional) – A raster containing elevation values on the same grid as costs. If provided, the elevation values are used when calculating the travel distance between pixels. This makes the algorithm 3D aware.


cost_distance – The accumulated cost distance solution. This is the same shape as the costs input Raster.

Return type


See also


Full cost distance solution