
raster_tools.focal.focal(raster, focal_type, width_or_radius, height=None, ignore_null=False)[source]#

Applies a focal filter to raster bands individually.

The filter uses a window/footprint that is created using the width_or_radius and height parameters. The window can be a rectangle, circle or annulus.

  • raster (Raster or path str) – The raster to perform the focal operation on.

  • focal_type (str) –

    Specifies the aggregation function to apply to the focal neighborhood at each pixel. Can be one of the following string values:


    Finds the minimum value in the neighborhood.


    Finds the maximum value in the neighborhood.


    Finds the mean of the neighborhood.


    Finds the median of the neighborhood.


    Finds the mode of the neighborhood.


    Finds the sum of the neighborhood.


    Finds the standard deviation of the neighborhood.


    Finds the variance of the neighborhood.


    Angular second moment. Applies -sum(P(g)**2) where P(g) gives the probability of g within the neighborhood.


    Calculates the entropy. Applies -sum(P(g) * log(P(g))). See ‘asm’ above.


    Calculates the number of unique values in the neighborhood.

  • width_or_radius (int or 2-tuple of ints) – If an int and height is None, specifies the radius of a circle window. If an int and height is also an int, specifies the width of a rectangle window. If a 2-tuple of ints, the values specify the inner and outer radii of an annulus window.

  • height (int or None) – If None (default), width_or_radius will be used to construct a circle or annulus window. If an int, specifies the height of a rectangle window.

  • ignore_null (bool) – If False, cells marked as null remain null. If True, cells marked as null may receive a data value, provided there are valid cells in the neighborhood. The default is False.


The resulting raster with focal filter applied to each band. The bands will have the same shape as the original Raster.

Return type
