Source code for raster_tools.clipping

import dask
import numpy as np
import rioxarray as rxr
import xarray as xr

from raster_tools.creation import ones_like, zeros_like
from raster_tools.exceptions import RasterNoDataError
from raster_tools.general import band_concat
from raster_tools.masking import get_default_null_value
from raster_tools.raster import (
from raster_tools.vector import get_vector

def _clip(
    feat = get_vector(feature)
    data_raster = get_raster(data_raster)
    if is None:
        raise ValueError("Data raster has no CRS")
    if bounds is not None and len(bounds) != 4:
        raise ValueError("Invalid bounds. Must be a size 4 array or tuple.")
    if envelope and invert:
        raise ValueError("Envelope and invert cannot both be true")

    crs =
    feat = feat.to_crs(crs)
    if trim:
        if bounds is None:
            (bounds,) = dask.compute(feat.bounds)
            bounds = np.atleast_1d(bounds).ravel()
            data_raster = clip_box(data_raster, bounds)
        except RasterNoDataError as err:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "No data in given bounds. Make sure that the bounds are in the"
                " same CRS as the data raster."
            ) from err

    feature_raster = feat.to_raster(data_raster, mask=True)
    if not envelope:
        if invert:
            clip_mask = feature_raster.to_null_mask()
            clip_mask = ~feature_raster.to_null_mask()
        if invert:
            clip_mask = zeros_like(feature_raster, dtype=bool)
            clip_mask = ones_like(feature_raster, dtype=bool)

    nv = (
        if data_raster._masked
        else get_default_null_value(data_raster.dtype)
    if data_raster.nbands > 1:
        clip_mask = band_concat([clip_mask] * data_raster.nbands)
    xdata_out = xr_where_with_meta(
        clip_mask.xdata, data_raster.xdata, nv, crs=crs, nv=nv
    xmask_out = ~clip_mask.xdata
    if data_raster._masked:
        xmask_out |= data_raster.xmask
        xdata_out =
    ds_out = dataarray_to_xr_raster_ds(xdata_out, xmask=xmask_out, crs=crs)
    return Raster(ds_out, _fast_path=True)

[docs]def clip(feature, data_raster, bounds=None): """Clip the data raster using the given feature. Parameters ---------- feature : str, Vector The feature to clip with. If a string, this is interpreted as a path. data_raster : str, Raster The data raster to be clipped. If a string, this is interpreted as a path. bounds : tuple, list, array, optional The bounding box of the clip operation: (minx, miny, maxx, maxy). If not provided, the bounds are computed from the feature. This will trigger computation of the feature. Returns ------- Raster The resulting clipped raster with dimensions that match the bounding box provided or the bounds of the feature. """ return _clip( feature, data_raster, trim=True, bounds=bounds, )
[docs]def erase(feature, data_raster, bounds=None): """Erase the data raster using the given feature. Inverse of :func:`clip`. Parameters ---------- feature : str, Vector The feature to erase with. If a string, this is interpreted as a path. data_raster : str, Raster The data raster to be erased. If a string, this is interpreted as a path. bounds : tuple, list, array, optional The bounding box of the clip operation: (minx, miny, maxx, maxy). If not provided, the bounds are computed from the feature. This will trigger computation of the feature. Returns ------- Raster The resulting erased raster with dimensions that match the bounding box provided or the bounds of the feature. The data inside the feature is erased. """ return _clip( feature, data_raster, trim=True, invert=True, bounds=bounds, )
[docs]def mask(feature, data_raster, invert=False): """Mask the data raster using the given feature. Depending on `invert`, the area inside (``True``) or outside (``False``) the feature is masked out. The default is to mask the area outside of the feature. Parameters ---------- feature : str, Vector The feature to mask with. If a string, this is interpreted as a path. data_raster : str, Raster The data raster to be erased. If a string, this is interpreted as a path. invert : bool, optional If ``True``, the mask is inverted and the area inside of the feature is set to masked out. Default ``False``. Returns ------- Raster The resulting masked raster with the same dimensions as the original data raster. """ return _clip( feature, data_raster, trim=False, invert=invert, )
[docs]def envelope(feature, data_raster): """Clip the data raster using the bounds of the given feature. This is the same as :func:`clip` but the bounding box of the feature is used instead of the feature itself. Parameters ---------- feature : str, Vector The feature to erase with. If a string, this is interpreted as a path. data_raster : str, Raster The data raster to be clipped. If a string, this is interpreted as a path. Returns ------- Raster The resulting clipped raster with dimensions that match the bounding box of the feature. """ return _clip( feature, data_raster, trim=True, envelope=True, )
[docs]def clip_box(raster, bounds): """Clip the raster to the specified box. Parameters ---------- raster : str, Raster The Raster or raster path string to clip. bounds : tuple, list, array The bounding box of the clip operation: (minx, miny, maxx, maxy). Returns ------- Raster The raster clipped to the given bounds. """ raster = get_raster(raster) if len(bounds) != 4: raise ValueError("Invalid bounds. Must be a size 4 array or tuple.") try: xdata =*bounds, auto_expand=True) except rxr.exceptions.NoDataInBounds as err: raise RasterNoDataError( "No data found within provided bounds" ) from err if raster._masked: xmask =*bounds, auto_expand=True) else: xmask = xr.zeros_like(xdata, dtype=bool) ds = dataarray_to_xr_raster_ds(xdata, xmask=xmask, return Raster(ds, _fast_path=True)